Always remember, don't be silent about this real need! Thirty minutes of research could save thousands of dollars and unnecessary turmoil, but try to exhaust all resources. Talk to doctors, family members, neighbors, and others in the community about your concerns.
The U.S. National Cancer Institute is a comprehensive home base with important information and sources for all types of cancer. Below is a direct link to seeking financial assistance for a range of needs including local programs and support groups, Spanish speaking centers, oncology social workers who can provide pertinent information, assistance for women and children, volunteer organizations, Medicaid and Medicare, help with prescription drugs, tax deductions, transportation, and much more.
- Financial Assistance for Cancer Care: The Patient Advocate Foundation established in 1996, is dedicated to helping patients and loved ones in a variety of sources. Below is a direct link to information on prescription drug assistance.
- Patient Assistance Programs: What Every Oncologist Should Know:
Good starting places for additional links to financial help are:
- Links to 17 other sites:
- Frequently Asked Questions:
- An article about others fighting cancer and its debt: Conquering Cancer, but Way Behind on the Bills:
- National Catholic Charities Web Site:
- United Way :
- American Cancer Society links to funding:
- Drug Assistance through National and International Cancer Supportive Care Programs: