Johnson Family Pledges $500,000 to Help Early Detection and Treatment of Veterans

LOS ANGELES, CA. On the same day that a new California law takes effect which humanely limits the time defense lawyers can depose mesothelioma plaintiffs to 7 hours, the John Johnson family, whose personal tragedy helped galvanize the new law, announced their pledge of $500,000 for mesothelioma medical research.

Johnson Family.
"We want to help other families avoid what happened to ours," said Sue Johnson, whose husband John Johnson, a military veteran stricken with the asbestos-caused cancer, collapsed after a grueling deposition and died within 24 hours.

The Johnson family has pledged the donation to the Pacific Mesothelioma Center ("PMC"). They have asked that the donation be used to help initiate a collaborative research and clinical care program between the PMC and the Department of Veterans affairs.

"Dr. [Robert] Cameron did everything he could surgically to save John," said Mrs. Johnson, "but by the time he was diagnosed, he was already stage III. We'd like to help the VA find and use new ways to diagnose mesothelioma as early as possible, so that patients have a fighting chance to survive."

The money will be used to help launch of the Admiral Zumwalt Mesothelioma Research and Treatment Program within the Department of Veterans Affairs.  A key component of the proposed program is early detection.

"The Johnson family's generosity is truly amazing," said attorney Roger Worthington, of the Worthington & Caron law firm, who represents the Johnson family. "When the legal system failed the Johnson family, they stepped up and helped change the law. When the VA missed an opportunity to diagnose Mr. Johnson much earlier, the Johnson family again stepped up to improve the way veterans are diagnosed and treated at the VA."
John Johnson, USMC

The Admiral Zumwalt Mesothelioma Research and Treatment Program is an initiative proposed jointly by Mr. Worthington and PMC. "The family of Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, who died from mesothelioma nearly twelve years ago to the day, has expressed a desire to lend their father's name for a comprehensive program to help veterans," said Mr. Worthington, noting that nearly a third of Americans diagnosed with mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos while serving in the military.

John Johnson proudly served his Country as a member of the United States Marine Corps where, in the spirit of "Semper Fi,"  it is said: "Once a Marine, always a Marine. Commitment never dies." Through their efforts to improve the medical and legal options available to others diagnosed with mesothelioma, the Johnson family has ensured that John's commitment to Corps and Country will never die.

For more information, contact Worthington & Caron, PC.  Email:; Phone: 1-800-831-9399; Worthington & Caron, PC is  law firm located in San Pedro, California that has dedicated its practice to representing patients diagnosed with asbestos-related mesothelioma since 1990.

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