There are prior reports of two patients receiving Alimta in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer who developed NE, but this is the first documented case of an MPM patient exhibiting NE. Hyperpigmentation has been documented in two previous patients receiving Alimta. But this is the first case where both symptoms/side effects were exhibited in the same patient.
Since its approval by the FDA in 2004, pemetrexed, brand name Alimta, has been routinely prescribed in combination with cisplatin or carboplatin for patients diagnosed with mesothelioma. To this day, Alimta/cisplatin remains the only FDA approved chemotherapy drug combination for the treatment of mesothelioma.
Even though it was ultimately approved, the clinical trials of Alimta/cisplatin showed only a 41% partial response rate and an increased median survival rate of only 2.8 months compared to patients treated with cisplatin alone. Furthermore, in its approval letter, the FDA noted that it’s approval of Alimta/cisplatin was limited to “use with patients who are not eligible for surgery.”
More recent published trial data reveals that a combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy is almost always associated with the longest survival times.