Mesothelioma Chemotherapy


Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer of the mesothelium. Mesothelium is a thin membrane that covers the lungs, stomach and heart. Prime Minister function of the mesothelium is the release of a small amount of lubricating fluid that helps devices to move freely without any friction. It is known membrane that covers the lungs and pleura, known as the membrane that covers the stomach and the peritoneum, and is known as the membrane covering the heart and pericardium. Are diagnosed more than 80% of those suffering from mesothelioma with pleural mesothelioma.Exposure to asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma. Those at risk of developing this cancer killer are the people who have worked / working in the mines of asbestos, and those who live in the vicinity of mines asbestos, people who were in the building and construction industry, and people in the ship building / breaking industry, clutch and brake manufacturing workers / Mechanics, all from exposure to asbestos fibers.
The main problem with mesothelioma is that it takes approximately 30 to 40 years after initial exposure for symptoms to appear. Most of these symptoms in common with the other of the most common diseases such as colds and flu. Almost always are already serious damage by the time of diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Treatment

Once you are diagnosed with mesothelioma doctor / surgeon will decide on a course of treatment depending on the stage at which the cancer is diagnosed, age and general physical health of the patient. Treatment options for mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Since there is no permanent cure for mesothelioma, is combined with many non-traditional forms of treatment with these methods.
What is chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a treatment that makes use of some medicines / drugs to treat cancer. Surgery or radiation therapy to remove or destroy the cancer cells in a specific area. This is the place, which varies greatly from chemotherapy these two treatments. Chemotherapy works on the entire body, able to destroy cancer cells that have spread spread to distant parts away from the main tumor. A large number of chemotherapy drugs currently in use, and the doctor / surgeon may use a single drug (chemotherapy), or a combination of drugs (chemotherapy) to treat cancer. Preferably chemotherapy because the drugs used in combination tend to work more effectively, and to reduce the chances of the body become resistant to the drugs

Chemotherapy for tumor

The surgeon will make a decision on what treatment option fits a person with mesothelioma. Is taken of factors such as the stage of the cancer and the health of natural persons in mind, and decided to therapy. Surgery and radiation therapy are the options available along with chemotherapy. And chemotherapy can be used in combination with surgery and radiation therapy.And is usually given chemotherapy intravenous drip, or as an injection into the bloodstream. Maybe if found suitable These medicines are placed directly in the chest / abdominal cavity. It is not on the duration of chemotherapy, but it is divided into a number of sessions. Treatment will continue for a few days then it stopped for a few weeks until the body can recover from the side effects of chemotherapy. After the body was recovered, the cycle begins again. Number of sessions depends on the stage of being diagnosed with mesothelioma, and the type of drugs used, and the body's response to chemotherapy.

 Chemotherapy side effects

Chemotherapy and comes with a wide range of unwanted side effects. Some side effects are common, regardless of the type of drugs used in the treatment. And some of the side effects depend on the type of drugs used, the amount of drugs used, the number of treatment cycles.
 Can the side effects of chemotherapy include one or more of the following procedures.
- Fatigue
- Fatigue without effort
- Hair loss
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Anemia
 Almost everyone undergoing chemotherapy for mesothelioma suffer from hair loss which can be mild to severe. Hair loss usually begins within 2 weeks of chemotherapy, and is getting worse and continues treatment, and finally improve only a few months after treatment stopped. This can cause sudden hair loss a lot of pressure for most patients, especially women. What should be understood here is that the hair will grow back once treatment has stopped.

Hair loss during chemotherapy tumor

Almost everyone undergoing chemotherapy for mesothelioma suffer from hair loss which can be mild to severe. Hair loss usually begins within 2 weeks of chemotherapy, and is getting worse and continues treatment, and finally improve only a few months after treatment stopped. This can cause sudden hair loss a lot of pressure for most patients, especially women. What should be understood here is that the hair will grow back once treatment has stopped.

 Nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy tumor

Vomiting, nausea and other common side effects of chemotherapy in the treatment of mesothelioma. It is suggested that the patient is eating very small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals. Never eat in a hurry, and chewing food is always good to make the process easier digestion. Until you stop chemotherapy patient should avoid eating any kind of fried foods, and foods that contain fat in them, and sweets, and avoid / minimize the amount of eating meat. It is better to have a lot of fresh vegetables. Ask your doctor for advice about what you eat and what foods to avoid.

Knowledge of the side effects of chemotherapy before treatment begins

Many patients who suffer from mesothelioma are not aware of the side effects of chemotherapy. If they went to the treatment without knowing all the side effects, it may be very difficult for them, causing unwanted stress. If diagnosed with mesothelioma, the surgeon decides to go in for chemotherapy, and find out all the possible side effects and the measures that can be taken to reduce them.Once and began chemotherapy, allowing the surgeon to know all the side effects that they face, no matter how small. Can reduce these side effects with more medication to make life for the patient more comfortable ....