It’s late at night, you’re dozing off with the TV on, the screen goes dark and is soon filled with words in white lettering, as an all too serious narrator begins reading: “If you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, call the number on your screen now…”
Now it’s morning, you’re settling in with a cup of coffee, your eyes are on the newspaper but you’re listening to CNN when, once again, the all too familiar voice beckons: “If you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, call the number on your screen now…”

You’re at an intersection waiting for the “Walk” signal when your view is eclipsed by a large bus pulling over at a nearby bus-stop. On the back of the bus is a large rectangular sign with the image of a man with a weathered face and stoic expression, wearing a hard-hat, next to which you see the text: “If you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, call 1-800…”
These days there’s no escaping “Madison Avenue” meso lawyers and their seemingly limitless advertising budgets.
“Scorched Earth” Campaign for Meso Victims
So who are these “Madison Avenue” meso lawyers who are saturating our airwaves, billboards and bus placards with their distasteful attempts to reach the one out of every 103,000 Americans who will be diagnosed with mesothelioma this year?
Typically, they are national firms which, curiously enough, don’t even specialize in the handling of mesothelioma cases. Instead, many of these firms handle a wide array of cases including pharmaceutical cases, tobacco cases, securities fraud cases, Chinese drywall cases, mold cases, medical malpractice cases and various forms of class action cases. Many of the firms have only recently jumped on the “mesothelioma bandwagon,” adding these cases to their diverse practices.
Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk
Any law firm with a large marketing budget can hire an advertising firm to produce a slick (usually not-so-slick) TV commercial and run demographic studies on the times and channels to run the commercials where they will have the best chance of reaching their “market.” But does possessing the so-called savvy to market legal services the same way others market “male enhancement” products qualify a law firm to represent a family struggling with mesothelioma?
In order to effectively represent a family afflicted with mesothelioma, a law firm must have the knowledge and experience necessary to quickly educate the family about the full extent of their medical options and assist them in getting prompt attention from the physicians who have developed an expertise in the treatments they are interested in (See our article “Should Lawyers Advise Their Clients on Treatment Options” Published in Asbestos Magazine).
Because of a mesothelioma patient’s limited life expectancy, efforts must be made to bring the case to trial as soon as the court will allow. These efforts, not surprisingly, are met with great resistance from defense attorneys whose billable rates incentivize them to make the case drag on as long as possible so that the mesothelioma patient never sees his or her day in court. Again, meeting and overcoming these unique challenges requires attorneys who are experienced and have a proven track record in handling mesothelioma cases.
Are “Madison Avenue” meso lawyers up to these challenges?
Can a family struggling with mesothelioma afford to risk that they’re not?
Click here for the full article.