Undaunted by the lack of a formal referral from Kaiser Permanente, Patricia set up an appointment with Dr. Cameron. She knew that Kaiser's vast bureaucracy would either delay or reject the referral, but time was short. She decided to pay for the consultation herself and worry about coverage later.
Dr. Cameron talked with her extensively about her surgical options. He explained the differences between the EPP, which removed the lung, and the P/D, which spared the lung. He explained to her that the P/D provided the same tumor clearance as the EPP with a lower risk of mortality.
He also explained to her the adjuvant use of radiation as well as immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Patricia ultimately chose to undergo the pleurectomy/decortication at UCLA on January 10, 2008. (For more information on the differences between the EPP and P/D, click here) The doctors at Kaiser, who recommended the EPP, had not even mentioned the PD as an option. Patricia is thankful that she found Dr. Cameron. "He has been a blessing."